Across the vast reaches of space-time, TEMARI has travelled, with but one simple quest- to find, copy and immortalize, the greatest warriors the universe has to offer. Reaching its latest destination “Terra” in the year 4713 or 2015 (depending on who you ask) it has transformed itself into the preferred form of combat for the locals.
They call it a ‘Game,’ it is not, it is;
Temari Battle System
1x Temari Tower
1x Temari Unit
1x Mystery Battler
1x Charger Unit/ Carry Case
1x Temari Tower
2x Temari Unit
1x D0NG Battler Pack
1x J3FR5 Battler Pack
Leader of the Beijing Dragons and daughter of one of China's more popular inventors, D0NG's style is in your face and no holds barred. Love her or hate her- you have to respect the result- she's the #1 player for a reason.
He's the Salisbury Druids' team clown and loves to show off, but deep down J3FR5 loves... to win, years of being ranked #2 haven't dented his self assurance- this year, it's coming home!